The ACE Consitution was last updated in 2014.
1 Name
The name is the Association for Church Editors.
2 Administration
2.1 The Association and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this Constitution by the members of the Executive Committee.
2.3 On all matters concerning the Association, the governing law shall be the law of England and Wales.
3 Objectives
3.1 The Association’s objectives are to provide support for editors and others concerned with the production of church magazines and similar publications in printed or electronic form, or for publication on websites.
3.2 This is achieved through email and postal communications, training workshops, conferences, competitions and the sharing of articles and ideas.
3.3 The support is aimed at improving their knowledge and understanding of all matters to do with the editing, design and production of church magazines. The Association may cooperate with other groups to further these objectives where this is seen to be beneficial to the membership.
4 Powers
In furtherance of the objectives the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:
4.1 Raise funds and invite and receive contributions, provided that in so doing the Executive Committee shall not undertake any substantial trading activity and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law.
4.2 Subject to any consents required by law, to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Association.
4.3 Cooperate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities in furthering the objectives of the Association and exchange information and advice when appropriate.
5 Membership
5.1 Membership of the Association shall be open to individuals who are interested in furthering the work of the Association among Christian churches and who have paid an annual subscription as laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee.
5.2 Every member shall have one vote.
5.3 The Executive Committee may for good reason, and on at least a two-
6 Honorary Officers
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, the members shall elect from among themselves a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting.
7 Executive Committee
7.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than five and not more than ten members, including the honorary officers.
7.2 In addition to the honorary officers, at least one member and not more than five members are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and they will hold office from the conclusion of that meeting.
7.3 All the members of the Executive Committee shall retire from office at the end of the Annual General Meeting after the date on which they came into office. They may be re-
7.4 The proceedings of the Executive Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number.
7.5 If a member of the Executive Committee is absent without prior notification from three successive meetings, their membership of the Committee may be cancelled.
7.6 If a member consistently disagrees with resolutions properly voted on by other members of the Executive Committee, steps may be taken to remove them from the Committee, following appropriate procedures.
8 Personal Interests
8.1 No member of the Executive Committee may acquire any interest in property belonging to the Association, or receive remuneration, or have any personal interest in any contract entered into by the Association.
8.2 Any member of the Executive Committee who is engaged in the professions may charge and be paid the usual professional charges for business carried out either personally or by a professional practice, when agreed by other members of the Executive Committee.
9 Executive Committee Meetings
9.1 The Executive Committee shall hold at least two ordinary meetings each year. A special meeting may be called at any time by the chairman or by any two members of the Executive Committee upon not less than four days’ notice.
9.2 The Chairman or Vice Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee. If neither is able to attend, the meeting must be re-
9.3 Where there is disagreement over an issue, the matter shall be determined by a majority vote of those present. In the event of a split vote, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
9.4 The Executive shall keep minutes of all meetings, including any one-
10 Receipts and Expenditure
10.1 The funds of the Association, including all subscriptions, donations, contributions and bequests shall be paid into a bank account operated by the Executive Committee.
10.2 All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two designated members of the Executive Committee.
10.3 The funds belonging to the Association shall be applied only in furthering the objectives.
10.4 Surplus receipts arising from the organisation of regional workshops shall be transferred to the treasurer for inclusion in the central account.
11 Accounts
11.1 The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under law with regard to the keeping of accounting records and the preparation of annual statements of accounts.
11.2 The annual accounts shall be examined and approved by an independent examiner.
12 Copyright
12.1 Copyright for all documents and designs, whether made on paper or electronically, and prepared on behalf of the Association by a member or by an outside agency, shall be deemed to be automatically vested in the Association.
12.2 The only exception shall be photographs taken on behalf of the Association by a member or a professional photographer for which the usual Laws of Copyright relating to the ownership of copyright in photographs shall apply.
13 Annual General Meeting
13.1 An annual general meeting shall be held not less than nine months and not more than fifteen months after the preceding meeting.
13.2 The Executive Committee shall call the meeting, with the secretary giving at least 21 days’ notice to all members of the Association.
13.3 The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Association shall preside over the meeting.
13.4 The appropriate honorary officer shall present a report and accounts for the preceding year.
13.5 Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be made in writing by members and sent to the Secretary before the start of the meeting. If nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.
13.6 Any matter that a member wishes to have considered at the meeting shall be passed to the secretary in writing not later than 21 days prior to the meeting.
13.7 There shall be a quorum of at least 10% of the current membership, or ten members, whichever is the greater.
13.8 The meeting shall not include “Any Other Business.”
14 Special General Meeting
14.1 The Executive Committee may call a special general meeting at any time.
14.2 If at least ten members request such a meeting in writing, stating the business to be considered, the Secretary shall call the meeting, giving at least 21 days’ notice and stating the business to be discussed. Only that business shall be discussed at the meeting.
14.3 The secretary, or other appointed person, shall keep a record of proceeding at the meeting.
14.4 Provision shall be made for members to appoint another member as a proxy who will attend the meeting and vote on their behalf.
14.5 There shall be a quorum of at least 10% of the current membership, or ten members, whichever is the greater.
15 Notices to Members
15.1 Any notice required to be sent to member(s) of the Association shall be in writing and served by the Secretary to the member’s home address.
15.2 Any letter sent shall be deemed to have been received with 10 days of posting.
16 Alterations to the Constitution
The Constitution may altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. The notice of the meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
17 Dissolution
17.1 If the Executive Committee, in discussion with appropriate advisors, decides it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association, it shall call a meeting of all members of the Association, stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed. Not less than 21 days’ notice of the meeting shall be given.
17.2 If the proposal is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting, the Executive Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Association. Any assets remaining after the settlement of any proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to such other charitable institution(s) having objectives similar to those of the Association.
17.3 If disposal of any assets in this way fails, then they shall be applied to some other charitable purpose.
17.4 A copy of the statement of accounts for the final period will be submitted to the appropriate authorities.