ACE Spring 2023 Workshop
Keston Parish Church Hall
20 May 2023
Keston Parish Church Hall
20 May 2023
The workshop was held at Keston Parish Church (south east London/Kent border) on Saturday the 20th May and was attended by 11 delegates.
After the welcome and introductions there were five presentations: Cover Design, by Sally Churchus (ACE Chair), Visual Appeal and graphics, by Keith Milmer (Previous ACE Chair), How to Source Content and Magazine finances by Bob Peters (ACE Vice-Chair) and How to Edit Articles and Copyright by Jennifer Ross (Communications Manager for Rochester Diocese).
The range of topics was diverse and all the speakers gave plenty of information, help and advice for the topics covered. All the delegates seemed very pleased with the knowledge they had gained. It was also an excellent opportunity to discuss matters concerning Church Magazines with other editors as well as swapping magazines to get ideas and inspiration from each other.
Thanks need to go to Sally for organising the event and to the speakers who helped us all learn more about editing a church magazine.
The Association for Church Editors invites you to its latest Editor Workshop being held at Keston Parish Church Hall, Keston, Kent, BR2 6HT from 10am to 3pm. There is a car park opposite the church and hall, otherwise the nearest stations are Hayes (Kent), Orpington or Bromley South. If you need further instructions about buses from there, please contact us.
ACE workshops are designed to give editors of church magazines an opportunity to share ideas and discuss any issues you may have about editorship or your publication. Please see below for the timetable of the schedule for the day. We suggest bringing some copies of your magazine to swap with other people.
The Workshop will be run by two ACE executive committee members, a past Chairman of ACE and the Communications Manager for Rochester Diocese. Between us we have many years of experience producing magazines. We recognise there is no right or wrong way to design and edit a church magazine, but there are lots of ways we can all make them more readable and better suited for the purpose for which we are publishing them.
Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be available throughout the day. For the lunch break it is suggested that you provide your own packed lunch.
There will be a small fee to go towards the costs of the workshop – £5 for ACE members and £10 for non-members. Please make payments to The Association for Church Editors ACE with the reference “Workshop”. Sort code: 20 24 09 and Account No. 50503142. Please also email to say who you are, which church you are from, what your publication is and how much you have paid.
Please email (as above) if more details are required or you have any queries. We hope that you and other members of your team will be able to join us at the ACE Spring Workshop, which will hopefully be an informative and enjoyable day.
PDF version of this information: Workshop Invitation