Join Us

If you like what you’ve seen on these few pages, do consider joining ACE.


Some of the benefits of membership are:

  • A Guide to Good Practice Booklet (PDF format)
  • Member’s Area access on the website
  • Monthly Ideas Forum (by email and on website) with best practice ideas and content to use in your magazine
  • A special ACE member’s logo for use in your magazine
  • Review service for your magazine
  • Annual Meeting with top Speakers and Awards Scheme Presentations
  • Workshops to improve skills
  • The opportunity to meet with other Editors from across the UK and sometimes beyond


There is an annual subscription of £10 per person.

Membership runs from 1st January through 31st December. Your first subscription is due with your membership application and renews within the month of January the following year. Should you be joining after 1st September, then your subscription will run through to the end of the next year.

Fees for our workshops and other events which may be planned for the future are discounted for members, so you may be able to offset some of your subscription if, for instance, you attend one or more of our workshops, or the annual meeting and AGM. Likewise if you attend a workshop or meeting as a non-member, your membership fee will be discounted if you join on the day.


Great! We’re really pleased you want to join us.

First we need a few details so we can keep in touch. Information about how we store and use your details are on the form, but please be reassured we will never pass your details on to anyone outside of ACE without your explicit consent.

Please complete complete the application form below, either in Word or by printing the PDF version. You can post the form and cheque payment (if not paying online or by standing order), to Alan Rickards, the ACE treasurer and Membership Officer – details on the form, or email a copy, if paying by other means, to .

Membership_Application_Form – Word format Membership_Application_Form – PDF

Payment of £10 can be made through Paypal, Standing Order or by cheque.

Paypal is one of the most popular and secure payment websites, allowing payment using either a credit or debit card, or through your own Paypal account if you have one. Simply click the button below to be taken to the Paypal website, follow the instructions for payment and once confirmed you’ll be returned to the registration page here where you will be asked for a few more details to setup an account on the website and get access the members’ area of the site.

NOTE: Please ensure you email a membership form as requested above even though you are asked for some details when registering on the website (we’re hoping to only need one or the other but aren’t there just yet!).

If you would rather pay by Standing Order or by cheque, please see the details on the membership form and ensure you include payment with your form. Once payment has been received, we’ll setup an account for you to be able to access the members’ area – you’ll get an email with logon details from a few days after we’ve confirmed your payment. If you don’t receive anything within a week, please get in touch.

If you’ve got any other questions on membership before you join, please get in touch at

Thanks for your interest in membership of ACE and we hope to have a long and happy relationship with you.